Sometimes it's not good to be right.
It's ironic when looking at this as it was not too long ago that I've openly defended Ben Affleck as Batman, despite that I'm not completely for him as Batman. Usually I'd be all" Lets give the film a chance guys". But this.... I knew it was going to be fail the minute I've started hearing about some not too flattering changes. Making it PG-13 being one of them.
Do yourself a favor, just watch the original. It still holds up. I'd even go as far as to recommend Robocop 3 since that one at least has Cyborg Ninjas and I'd recommend it if you ever have some friends over and just need a movie to enjoy by poking fun at it.
You know what? Despite the crap I've given Kick Ass 2 the trailer makes Kick Ass 2 look like Avengers.
Funny you should mention that.
Anyway, I might see this, just to laugh at it.
Bring friends. It also helps.