Saturday, January 4, 2014

Wonder Woman in Superman/Batman & How DC/WB Treats Other DC Characters

As if the Superman/Batman films isn't a broken base already you have Wonder Woman thats also announced to be apart of. One of the key issues is the casting. Personally I have seen Gal in Fast & The Furious and I find her a decent actress but as far as if I think she's able to do a good job in the role it depends on if I see any shots of her preparing or performing the part. The other issue is how some felt that DC/WB once again don't see any value in Wonder Woman to give her a solo film so they just paired her up with Superman/Batman. There are two sides to this type of complaint

1. I can see, on some level, where DC/WB is coming from. Lets say they do a movie but then what kind of a movie they will do? A straight up superhero flick or a adventure flick? There is also casting the right kind of actress that is marketable and would stick around for future movies. Given the utter failure that was the pilot series it was a walking on eggshells situation. However....

2. With it being her first film debut she's playing second fiddle to Superman/Batman? The two heroes have enough problems with people claiming how overexposed they are but to have WW play second fiddle to them is another issue. Also she is among the DC Big Three of Superheroes so it wouldn't kill them to give her one movie before doing a crossover with someone else. So on some level I can understand the arguments of how it may appear that Wonder Woman could be taking a backseat to Superman/Batman. Or is she?

Lets take a look at the other heroes who haven't had any sort of exposure

Aquaman: He had a stint on Smallville and two memorable parts in JLU and Batman:The Brave and The Bold but as far as live action films go the dude has squat. He doesn't even have his own animated movie. Also the guy has a pretty bad rep thanks to his role in the Super Friends. And yeah I get the Aquaman jokes but, as mentioned, it originated from a show thats pretty outdated and anyone with any knowledge in comics should be aware that Aquaman is one of the most underrated DC Heroes. So I have to ask is where is Aquaman's opportunity? When will he get a time to shine?

Captain Marvel: For once I'd like to see a movie either animated or live action where he doesn't have to depend on Superman to have his moment in the sun. I mean come on this guy screams a perfect escapist character for kids. An animated series featuring him would be gold

Not just those two but it seems that other DC Characters are getting the short end of the stick and some of whom I personally feel would make a interesting tv series, either animated or live action. Or even a movie, either animated or live action.

Zatanna has a good backstory to make a good supernatural tv series.
Green Lantern: If anyone in DC/WB had a braincell to do it properly would make a good space opera
A Legions of Superheroes tv series would be pretty good. Especially if they take a Doctor Who approach.
Suicide Squad
The list goes on..

They're doing a good job with Arrow and I heard a Flash series is on the way, which is good.

Yet the point is that it seems that DC/WB has a hard time in using and promoting their characters, who isn't Superman/Batman, properly while Marvel/Disney is actually the ones willing to use other characters who aren't Avengers. For instance there is a Guardians of The Galaxy movie coming out and there is Agents of SHIELD and there are rumors of a series that features street level Marvel Heroes. So if Marvel is able to use other characters then it wouldn't kill DC to take a gamble on other characters, who isn't Superman/Batman. Cause at the moment people are starting to get tired of seeing just those guys. Put some variety out there and Arrow, for now, is the only thing close to a variety

1 comment:

  1. Actually Aquaman is scheduled to have his own animated movie following Justice League: War.
