Sunday, October 27, 2013

That Guy With The Glasses

I've been a fan of the site ever since the first anniversary movie and have followed just about every reviewer on the site. Throughout the years I have watched just about every video the TGWTG crew have put up there are videos I've enjoyed and there are videos I don't enjoy and recently I find myself not that much of a fan of the site.

Granted there are still reviewers of the site that I do enjoy but I find myself rather distant from it and I'm going to give reasons as to why and also talk about some of the reviewers on the site.

Lately their jokes can range between either funny or juvenile and by juvenile I mean on Family Guy levels, the best example I can give concerning that are Phoelous and Nostalgia Critic, recently.

I've followed his reviews and the one review that I happen to find decent was his A Sirbian Film review. Not because of the humor but because it's one of his few reviews that actually portrays some decent emotion out of it. What I find irritating about his reviews is that he can come off as a douchebag. In his regular reviews outside of A Sirbian Film he comes off as the kind of guy you feel like you just want to punch in the face or tell em to STFU. Especially with the way he makes those faces whenever he says something condescending

Nostalgia Critic
I wouldn't go as far as to call him my all time favorite reviewer, Linkara is first and Nostalgia Chick is second, however I do consider him one of my favorite reviewers at the time. But the more I watch his later videos the more I start to see how stale he has became. Also I tend to get irritated whenever he'd try to force feed his Demo Reel crew into his recent reviews. That and the majority of the reviews now aren't even reviews of old movies. It just takes the nostalgia out of the Nostalgia Critic, if all he's going to do is recent stuff then shouldn't he be called The Critic instead? Also his high pitched screaming can get annoying if done constantly.

I do happen to like his Avatar reviews as it's as close to an honest review I've seen and he isn't doing the typical angry reviewer stick.

I find myself reaching a point where I don't take the guys reviews seriously anymore tbh. Yeah I know they're not supposed to be taken seriously given their style but they still try to come off as legit reviewers and would often credit actual reviewers like Siskel and Ebert as their inspiration. Having seen their material they don't come off like those guys, on their worst day, they come off as the posters one sees in the comic forums. And you know the kind I'm talking about.

For instance when The Dark Knight Rises came out just about the majority of the people on the site seem to hate it. I put it off then I started to notice something in the Man of Steel review and I noticed something thats rather similar to TDKR. When Doug hates something everyone on that site follows. You have a few exceptions but it seems that when the boss hates something they're inclined to hate it too. So lets say if Doug hates Avengers 2 or the Superman/Batman movie then do they have to blindly agree with him? It reminds me of when Alan Moore did a rant against Watchmen and just about every comic fanboy complained about how much the movie sucked, not because they've seen it to give that kind of a fair judgment but just because to kiss Alan Moore's butt. It's that kind of sheep mentality I don't really care for.

Another reviewer I don't care for is Blockbuster Buster. The guy comes off as a fanboy than a legit reviewer. Also the guy's often been accused of not doing his research when reviewing something. Someone had pointed out a few inaccuracies from his Revenge of The Fallen review. One thing I roll my eyes on is his view on how he finds that Dreamworks makes bad movies, the two Kung Fu Panda movies, Rise of The Guardians, and Megamind is among the many movies that proves his theory wrong. I do however like him better when he's reviewing fan films, that really should be his job right there as it's not often you have someone that reviews fan films these days.

There are some reviewers I do happen to like though

Nostalgia Chick, especially when Nella is involved. She's actually informative when she does her reviews.

Cinema Snob: I like his reviews on old exploitation flicks and just about any scene with his cats in em. As far as his non-Cinema Snob stuff goes I like his regular movie reviews but only when he's doing him solo or when it's with Jillian, who should have her own show. Outside of his other crew like Sarah and Jake I don't really are much for the other Snob Crew. Especially Dave.

Dave to me sounds like the equivalent of a bratty child that one sees at a supermarket or any store when reviewing a movie. This is him at his worst.

It didn't make me not want to watch Carrie but it did make me want to press the mute button so I don't really hold his opinion in any high value.

Spoony: I know some people would think typical angry reviewer but to me when looking at Spoony's reviews he comes off more honest than your usual angry reviewer. Also he rarely gets angry in his reviews, he mostly does when it's something thats actually worth it.

Linkara: I AM A MAAN!!! Also I like his arc stuff and when he rants on a comic you know it deserves the rant it gets. That and while he also did say something negative about MOS I at least can buy that what he's saying was honest, not because The Boss, hated it.

Suede: He's one of the few people that comes off as a angry reviewer

Welshy: The guy can be funny at times and my personal favorite was his Braindead and Doctor Who reviews.

So yeah these are my thoughts. If you have any thoughts relating to this drop a comment or if you have a reviewer that you like or don't like then also drop a comment.


  1. I will always have a bit of respect for Phelous for managing to survive A Serbian Film with a bit of sanity still intact.

    Anyhoo, I generally don't hate other reviewers, but I can see where you're coming from with some of these.

    1. Even I take appreciation to the fact that he managed to watch it and not throw the dvd across the room later.

      But yeah I don't really hate the reviewers just that there are aspects about their style that do irritate me at most.
