Saturday, October 5, 2013

Trailer Review: Thor-Dark World

When I first saw the trailer I wasn't that impressed with it but I managed to give it a chance anyway and hope that future trailers can improve the movie. The year of superhero films have been rather mediocre for me with the disappointment that was IM3 and Kick Ass 2 and the mediocrity of MOS. The only fun superhero movie for me happened to be a Wolverine movie called The Wolverine.

I caught this trailer when I was watching Riddick and I thought the trailer not only provided an improvement over the first trailer but it also provide me a little ray of hope for Thor: Dark World. I don't know if anyone got this vibe from the trailer but I got a Lord of The Rings vibe from this. Especially when it concerns the battle scenes. From the looks of things the stakes are much higher when compared to the first movie. Which is good. I like that in each sequel the stakes get larger in comparison to the first and that it isn't falling for the same trap most sequels do by being similar just with a few minor differences to fool the viewers.

There is alot of speculation concerning this movie it seems. There is rumors that someone will die in the movie and judging from Thor's reaction in the trailer it's someone thats close to him. Some say it's Jane while others say it's Frigga. Here is my two cents on it..

I'm a little concerned for this because I hear that Sif's role might get extended in the sequel, normally I would be happy but it just turns out that she's reduced to a designated love interest to Thor. Sif deserves better than that!!! It also seem that Frigga is getting more involvement this time around and Jane could possibly take a level in badass. Now looking at these one can say women in refrigerators but I don't see that. Just because a female character gets killed doesn't always mean women in refrigerators. If the story and build is handled well then we could have something thats pretty moving.

I also have another possible theory. What if it's Loki? It's the classic villain redemption scenario. Loki does one final good deed by protecting one of the main characters and he sacrificed his life in the process. Some evidence to back it is that the actor playing Loki might not come back so he has an out.

There is another way to look at these theories. I know for a fact that it wont be either Jane or Frigga given the importance of the characters but I wouldn't put it past the movie to make the audience think it's them but someone else dies instead while protecting them. Also since we are talking about whats technically a disney movie you know that in disney movies dead doesn't always mean dead. So here is how I see these two possible theories happening.

Sif: She dies either protecting Jane or Frigga or both. Which provides Thor the motivation he needs to take down the big bad once and for all. There is a tear jerking and heartwarming final scene between Thor and Sif before she passes on. An interesting possibility I can see is that this could be a good way to introduce Hela. Sif dies but Hela claims her so that Sif can act as her agent of death. You just have one of the major plot points for the next movie. Thor tries to save Sif from Hela's control.

Loki: Loki does one act of goodness and you might get a moment between him and Thor. It would soon be revealed that Loki didn't really die but just went into hiding.

Hope Dark World is not only an improvement over Thor but also a fun superhero movie experience.

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